I'm making a mad dash to work and dial my mother up on hands free. As I pull into the parking garage and prepare to sprint into my meeting, I tell her I love her, and I'll speak with her soon. I hear her trying to mute her soft weeping, and my heart breaks. Today would have been my parents' 48th wedding anniversary. I hadn't forgotten, but I had a conference to attend.
On the way to my meeting, I hear a woman on the phone in the hall speaking with a teacher about her son. Later, I hear a woman retching in the bathroom. I see someone else on the phone arguing with a spouse. Everyone has their personal battles that don't end at 8:00. It reminded me of a beautiful quote. "
There isn't anyone you couldn't love, once you've heard their story." - Mary Lou Kownacki
Each of us, as supervisors, matrix team leaders and teammates should keep in mind that we are all dealing with a life outside of work. Let's learn each other's stories, or at least acknowledge that we all have one.