These are my hopes for conversations in 2018 around generational shifts in the workplace, Agile methods and self improvement in the coming year. Where would you like to see our conversations go?
Enough about Millennials:
Much literature has been dedicated to studying the creature known as the Millennial, as though they’ve just come on the scene. According to Rainmaker, 1st wave Millennials already represent 27% of the workforce. On the other hand, Boomer participation will drop from 16% to 13% by 2020. Can we talk about how to hand off the baton and retain the wisdom of those who are now leaving us? This becomes increasingly important as we usher in the Gen Z interns.
Before Agile:
Sure, some of us were late adopters of Agile and we’re still learning. But the Agile Manifesto was written 16 years ago, the same year the Erikson R380 and the iPod were released. Saying we’re running Agile projects is akin to saying we use lawn mowers to cut the grass. I’m not saying we shouldn’t iterate and improve upon our Agile methods. But I also want to talk more about how to develop consistency and clarity in our strategic roadmaps. Doing the front-end work well enables and supports our Agile tech teams to run the ball to the intended goal post.
Beyond what successful individuals do:
My Linkedin feed is cluttered with five shocking things that “successful people do”. It’s always something to the tune of eat right, sleep, exercise, journal and envision success. According to Inc., the top 26% of 60K articles read on Buzzfeed were listicles. I’m not suggesting we stop trying to become better versions of ourselves. On the contrary. I want to talk about bringing our authentic selves to work each day, being better to each other, and better for our customers through healthy organizations.
Where would you like to see the conversation go?
I look forward to sharing ideas on these things, and exciting new topics in 2018!
